These boots are made for burning...

Britney Lynn Spears,
I want to take those boots and burn them. And the fishnet tights. And that entire outfit, really.
Come on. Seriously? You're SERIOUSLY wearing that trainwreck of an outfit out of the house? In public? Like, public public?
Not cool.
Do you not own a mirror? You should get one. It helps. Like one time I thought about maybe wearing black shoes with something and then I looked in my MIRROR and realized that brown was a better option. Granted, I have never once considered wearing old fishnet tights with ugly brown cowboy boots and a tan fedroa and a see-through...a see-through...oh my god what IS that?!
Britney, no. NO. Just...NO.
This hurts you more than it hurts me...
~ D
(more pictures of this fantastic outfit here...why you would want to subject yourself to that, I just don't know)
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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