Can someone PLEASE get Clay a stylist?

For the love of Ryan Seacrest, what the hell is happening to this man's head? I mean, is it me or does his hair look almost feathered? Whatever it is this is just NOT a good look. I want the old Clay back...the cute nerdy guy with the spikey hair. The one that that other lame guy on the following season of Idol tried to copy. That's the Clay I know and love.
In other Idol news, Taylor Hicks is growing on me.

I know, I know. I can't even believe I'm saying it. But he is. In his dorky, awkward kind of way, Taylor is winning me over. It all started with his performance at the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting. He was adorable. His sound was great, the music was fun and spunky, his dance moves were horrible yet charming all at the same time.
Yes, it's true. I maybe HEART T.Hicks a little. In the immortal words of the Offspring, "he's pretty fly for a white guy."
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