
Next celeb sighting...


So, I'm having dinner at Orso and washing down a too-salty salad with my third glass of Chianti when who should walk in the door with "their people" but Courtney Cox and David Arquette.

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No, I didn't take that photo with my camera phone. And it's not that I was slacking off. Wait! Let me explain.

So, I'm whispering to my dining companion (hi KD!) about how pretty Courtney is in person and trying to figure out the best way to snap a photo of them when they're sitting like 4 tables behind me when my mojo was thrown off by THE ONE AND ONLY CLINT F-ING EASTWOOD.

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CLINT EASTWOOD, PEOPLE. I froze! I mean, the man is a legend! And not in the way Jon Bon Jovi is a legend (read: posters torn out lovingly from Big Bopper magazine and taped up on my bedroom walls) but a real bonafide legend.

So I froze. I FROZE, OKAY? I'm HUMAN! But it was CLINT! And I couldn't disrespect Clint F-ING Eastwood by whipping out the ol' camera phone, now could I?

Sorry readers. You'll have to make due with the generic pulled from the web photos today. I promise I will get it together next time.


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