
Little Leo? A hero?

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Get this! Apparently, while in South Africa filming a movie, Leo DiCaprio was having lunch with costar Djimon Hounsou (Hottie McHottiePants from Amistad) when a man with a gun approached them threatening to shoot Djimon. Leo stepped in front of him and said something along the lines of "well you're going to have to go through me." The attacker fled the scene.

Um, really? It's true according to Celebitchy, a great blog I just discovered. And apparently Leo refuses to comment which makes me think one of the following is true:

A. He's incredibly modest - a saint, really - and we should all be in awe of his blonde, ethereal greatness.
B. This is a hunk of bull but his publicist told him not to confirm or deny and leave people with their own, made-up images of heroic action.

Either way, Leo's lookin' mighty fine these days so I'm going to choose to believe option A.


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