
Parental advice...

I actually think former model Janice Dickinson is quite pretty when she's not looking like a $20 crackwhore.

Unfortunately, that's not often.

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To make up for her lack of fashion decorum, Janice - along with equally trashtastic mommy, Courtney Love - is offering parenting advice. To Britney Spears, specificially. They two told Extra! reporters:

"Say what you will about me, and I'm not passing judgment, but when I had my daughter, I stayed home with her almost every night for the first year of her life," Love said.

Supermodel Janice Dickinson echoed those sentiments, and told "Extra" it's time for the pop princess to hang up her party pants and be a mom. "I mean, even I had give up my wild ways and buckle down and become a parent," Dickinson insisted. "Paris is not the nanny; Britney should hang with the nannies and the children."

Aw, sweet.


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