Sophia Hyatt and the Case of the Missing Clothing...
Here's the thing.
I've always say that if I had a smoking hot body I would walk around scantily clad all the time. I did not, however, say SKANKtily clad which is clearly the look that Sophia Hyatt is going for.

First and foremost, no one can seem to tell me who she is. All I get is "British Pakistani celebrity." She's not listed on IMDB so in my world she's a nobody. But she's clearly trying to be a "somebody" and has chosen to claw her way up the star-power ladder by showing up in public, IN WINTER in a dress that is about as concealing as the FAA's standard quart-size Zip-Lock baggie.
Did I mention it's WINTER? In London? Where the average temperature this time of year is 40 degrees? Look, snow on the ground. I mean, unless she suffers from some genetic condition that renders here unable to contract hypothermia, girlfriend HAS to be freezing. I mean, she's basically wearing the haute couture equivalent of this:

And though, granted, she looks a hell of a lot better in it than that guy, you have to admit that - and forgive the potshot - his boobs are bigger.
Oh, and I hate her shoes. Um...yeah, I'm done now.
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