
Attention whore, party of one?

This is what Sienna Miller wore to the post-premiere party for Factory Girl.

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Hmm. What's wrong with this picture?

Her hair? Yes, it's a big puffy - could use a little styling cream perhaps. Her make-up? No, it looks okay - maybe another coat of lipgloss would do but other than that, it's okay. True, her top looks like a rejected Muppet. But it's not terrible.

Oh wait! Pants! Of course! It seems Sienna decided this was a "pants optional" event. I didn't realize that pants were optional? Of course, if I were to attend a "pants optional" party I would probably wear more attractive under garments. I would probably NOT break out my control top granny panties because, afterall, this is a formal and classy event.

And I, like Sienna, am all about class.


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