
Sexy is in the eye of the beholder...

Things that are sexy:
1. Nice-fitting jeans.
2. Good hair.
3. French accents.
4. My future ex-husband, Jake Gyllenhal.
5. George Clooney. (growl)

Things that are NOT sexy:
1. Dressing like an escaped mental patient or my grandmother.

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First and foremost, I think we can all agree that the shoes are hideous. They're purple, pointed toe, lace up, pimp shoes. And unless your name is Freddie Boom Boom Washington, I don't think those shoes are meant for you. But as if that weren't bad enough - and to be fair, it could be the poor photo quality - but I'm fairly certain she's wearing some form of a pantaloon.

Pantaloons are not okay. They're not okay on Nelly Furtado so they're not okay on us "normal" people.

And furthermore, color blindness is no excuse for poor matching. I'm not one to make fun of the disabled, but the neon green straw bag paired with the army green coat...well, it's just not good. Not good at all. I'd also like to comment on the hat which, while functional, is far too reminicent of Dumb Donald from Fat Albert.

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All in all the entire outfit screams "I got dressed in the dark...with one hand tied behind my back...after suffering a massive head injury."


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