While I was out...
Sorry for not posting in so long. It's been a crazy couple of weeks and I'm 8 hours away from hopping on another flight...ew. Work is really cramping my blog style. By anywho, I digress.
I was doing a little blog surfing today to see what I've been missing. And it's been a great week!
First, Chloe Sevigny went out in an outfit that didn't automatically give me a seizure. And yes, it's ridiculously short but all "baby factory jokes" aside, it's rather cute and she looks rather fresh and pretty, no?

But perhaps the best "extreme makeover award" goes to our dear post-rehab Britney. Looks! Panties! Hooray!

I mean, I don't know what's up with the rest of the outfit but...PANTIES! HOORAY! (baby steps...)
Hmm...what else? Oh yes. Pete Doherty is still a disgusting gross-o-pants. See?

And apparently his friends are having an intervention...so um, yeah...good luck with that. I'd like to intervene with a facial and some self-tanner...and make a cheeseburger and a manicure...and shampoo...or maybe turpintine. But um, okay great. Good luck, Pete!
Oh, get this. Lindsay Lohan told Allure magazine that she's the protector of all her friends. Page Six reports LiLo saying: "When my friends and family are around me I feel like they're safe . . . When my friends have left me - I've just seen everything collapse. They're not safe without me."
Uh, riiiiiiiight. Other fantastic snippets include:
"It's so weird that I went to rehab. I always said I would die before I went to rehab." And, "Everybody's tired of hearing things about me and them . . . I think it's just better for me to lie low and get better."
Let's see how long it takes for her to deny she said any of this.
And the best news ever? A reality show to cast the next Menudo is said to be in the works.

If you don't know the joys of Menudo, log on to iTunes immediately and download...IMMEDIATELY. NOW.
Okay, that's all I have to say for now. All in all a very good week!
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