
God I Love Gossip…

** NOTE! Got a few updates from my sister's contact who manages Tom Cruise and Nicole Richie! See updates to 1 and 3 below! **

Ready? No. I don’t think you are. Where to begin? Well, my friend Kelly has an assistant whose mother’s best friend is a big event planner for two *major* nightspots in Los Angeles.

Following so far? Kelly – Assistant – Mother – Friend. Got it? Good. (you guys are so sharp!)

Anywho, while vacationing this week, the “Assistant,” who we’ll call Nina because I like that name, had drinks with the “Friend” who we’ll call Lola because I like that name too. (They’re easy to spell. Sue me.)

Lola” had one too many cocktails and began to divulge several industry secrets to Nina who gleefully shared them with my friend Kelly. And Kelly, being the giver that she is, shared them with me. Whether or not they’re true…who knows? But they make for fun conversation. So here are these little nuggets - these precious gems of information – so you can do with them as you please.

1. Nicole Goes Too Far
Apparently Nicole Richie had her stomach stapled after the first season of The Simple Life. Yeah. That’s right. She had her stomach stapled because God forbid she be…Gasp! Dare I say it? A size 6! (the horror!) So she had her stomach stapled and now thinks she’s “too skinny” although clearly she’s not that concerned because she keeps shrinking. She’s starting to remind me of this pencil someone gave me. It has a big Koosh ball on top. Remember Koosh balls? (That’s right. Let the visual sink in. Theeeeere you go.) -- Okay, according to the contact, Nicole didn't have the stomach stapling. She's battling anorexia and has battled bulemia in the past. The Koosh pencil reference is true though.

2. One Night in Paris, Richie Style
Curious as to what really happened between Paris (cough, cough, skank, cough) and Nicole? Well according to my new BFF “Lola,” Nicole decided to show Paris’ little…ahem…”documentary” at a party she threw at her house. Awww, why such a party pooper, Paris? By this point in time half the world has seen your lady-bits. What? Now you’re shy all of a sudden?

3. SurTomKat = Big Business
“Lola” claims to have seen the contract between Tom and Katie. She gets more each year that she stays with him and pocketed $5 million for having his baby. The tabloids won’t unearth the truth because Tom is a powerful force in Hollywood. Okay, okay…as much as I want to believe it’s true because it would explain why Katie Holmes has gone from cute girl next door to zombie bride, I’m just not buying this one. First of all, you’re telling me one of the gossip rags (which I love) wouldn’t jump at the chance to print something like this if it had the chance? And second, $5 million isn’t nearly enough of a bribe to make me push something the size of a watermelon out my dime hole. (“dime hole” is my pregnant sister’s phrase…I’m merely borrowing with pride. It makes me giggle every time I hear it.) -- Though our contact confirms that Tom and Katie have a weird agreement/pre-nup that gives her a poop load of money if they split, she's not "forced" to stay with him.

4. Lindsey Earned the “Ho-Han” Nickname
Blah, blah, blah Lindsey’s a ho-bag. Blah, blah, blah she’s totally coked out most of the time. Blah, blah, blah she asked some of “Lola’s” friends to have a threesome with her. Blah, blah, blah she’s like a doorknob, everyone gets a turn. (Oh man! I’ve been dying to use that in a blog! Woo! Mission accomplished!)

5. Stalking Simpson
Apparently Jessica was hitting it with Adam Levine. And her plan was to leave Nick for Adam. Only Adam was clearly just trying to get his freak on and had no interest in “settling down” with Jess. (and I just don’t know why because she strikes me as the kind of girl you’d wanna bring home to momma…if she lives in a crack house, that is.) Point is, Adam dumped her ass like yesterday’s trash and hasn’t called her since. In other Simpson news, Jessica and Ashlee are apparently total jerks. Oh, and Jessica’s best friend/personal assistant quit because she’s having a little “flagrante delicto” with Nick. You go, Cacee. You go. (Oh, but Cacee? Before you go - can you please not spell your name that way? It's annoying. Thanks.)

6. And Speaking of Stalkers…
“Lola” is good friends with Ryan Seacrest and says he’s a lovely man. According to Ryan, after he went out once with Teri Hatcher he’d had enough. Teri allegedly started stalking Ryan after they hooked up one night. Calling him all the time, driving by his house, writing your first name with his last name over and over and wondering what you did to deserve this kind of treatment because didn’t you wash his clothes and give him backrubs and never complain when he watched a stupid baseball game instead of Grey’s Anatomy and always put his shoes up on your bed when you had the “good sheets” on and…

Oops. Right. Sorry. Focus, Denise. Focus.

Ahem. So that’s it. Do with this information what you will. But try, my friends, to use it for good and not evil.


At 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So many people don't care about global warming. They disregard the need for conservation and instead drive SUVs. They don't care about the Federal deficit/debt (outside of partisanship) and they don't care earning $400k for an $80,000/year job will eventually bankrupt the country. They have awarded themselves $400k pay and retirement packages, loading up their friends on the payroll during the boom 90s through the real estate bust while all services which the program were intended to fund now get cut to pay for it.
These people are often common public university labor. Not Ivy League, not private university.
This labor isn't good enough to earn the salaries they are earning. And they understood this when they applied to the public university they settled on.
You can't expect a top-tier salary with a second-rate education.
They think they are going sometime during/at the end of this life, and disregard the poor souls who are left behind.
Sounds like the Italians who were used to plan World War II and the Holocaust, and not by accident.
These are the people who will be here in the United States when bankruptcy is declared and society deteriorates into chaos. And they will deserve the anarchy which ensues.

The gods used the Italians to ruin life in the 20th century.
The gods used the Italians to ruin life in A.D. with The Church.
The Church controlled Western Civilization. As the largest land owner in Europe they controlled the monarchies. They were responsbile for slavery, revenge for African invasion and rape of Italy. They created religious discontent, ultimately leading to the disfavored dumping ground known as the United States.
And each generation of these Italians were sold on "earning", only to be reincarnated as a lesser life form subsequently, punishment for their evil.
"The West Bank, where the end of the world will begin." With xtianity.

The gods are the commensurate rapist pathology, focussed on control.
It is appropriate they picked the Italians for the downfall of man. The perception offered is exactly how the gods are. Unfortunate for the Italians, they were deliberately altered to match this pathology so the god's behavior could be justified in the context of the god's positioning.

I may not have learned as much as I have but I WOULD have gotten more done and made more progress, and at the end of this life that's all that matters. We will all be reincarnated and must re-learn about the gods and their methodology in each sucessive life.
The upside down star is my symbol. There is of course no Satan. That's just the gods with different clothes on.
You're all in big, big trouble. Everyone who failed to ascend before 1900 is. But the importance of this Situation is to ensure people learn the god's system while they have enough time to fix their relationship and ascend before The End.
Don't forget:::Ascending into "heaven" is not the same as entering clone hosting. One is good while the other is evil. The clue is their request to work multiple clone hosts to "earn", for if you were welcome into heaven you would be invited directly. My example of someone who ascended is John Muir. His "fake" went on to accomplish BUT NOT IN A DISCIPLINE WHICH HURT PEOPLE OR PROVIDED FOR SOME TEMPTATION. What happens after speaks volumes.
You're on the clock. This is where the cream rises to the top.


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