Tom Cruise’s Alter Ego…
It pains me to admit this almost as much as it pains me to admit I think Adrian Brody is kind of hot. But for the sake of journalistic integrity, I must.
I saw Mission Impossible 3 last night and…gulp…Tom Cruise looked great. Clearly he’s a better actor than I thought because I totally forgot what a complete nut bag he is in real life. (and by “real life” I of course mean Oprah and US Weekly) In fact, for a few brief moments I was transported back to the Tom Cruise of old…to Jerry Maguire Tom Cruise and that ‘you complete me’ moment that made me think, "Sweet baby Jesus I’m going to be single forever."
But this isn’t about me.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting this was some Academy Award winning performance. I mean it’s Mission Impossible, people. Not exactly high-brow. But it was a fun, shoot-em-up flick and Tom was a bad-ass as Ethan Hunt, tormented yet devilishly handsome and charming super spy.
See for yourself:
Another great reason to see this movie – Jonathan Rhys Meyers who I’ve decided is sexy in a Creepy McCreepyPants kind of way.

I’d never heard of Jo-RhyMey but apparently he won a Golden Globe for his portrayal of Elvis in that mini-series. I didn’t see it because I am morally opposed to television mini-series. (unless they are on Lifetime and about bi-polar, murderous cheerleaders or women whose husbands lead secret lives as male escorts…for those I can make an exception.)
What was my point again? Oh right, I didn’t have one.
Support our civil liberties and an individual’s right to be a total wackadoo. Go see Mission Impossible 3.
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