
Tom Cruise freaks me out..

I'm sad ya'll. Where did Maverick go? Where did Cocktail Tom go?

God, I wanted to be Rebecca What's-Her-Face in Risky Business. I mean, yeah, she was a slut and all, but she got to hit it with Tom Cruise on the subway. (Okay so the subway scene kind of grosses me out. Watching it was not a turn on. I kept thinking, "Jeez, I hope they used some Clorox on those seats.")

Where was I? Oh yes. I can't play pool without spinning my stick around like Tom did in The Color of Money. And I can't hear "Old Time Rock N Roll" without wanting to take off my pants and slide around my apartment in my socks.

So how did we get to this?
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First, what is UP with those bangs? BANGS? On Tom Cruise? No. No I just can't accept it. I think I've seen that haircut before. Where was it? Hmm...oh yes! I remember now!
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Second - and I don't mean to pick on anyone's religious beliefs because that just isn't cool - but the whole "glib" Scientology thing is totally freaking me out. I'll be honest, I don't know much about Scientology and the propaganda on the official web site doesn't really tell me much. But what I do know is that L. Ron Hubbard looks like a 1970's B-list porn star and I feel very strongly that spiritual leaders should not look like B-list porn stars.
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But I digress. My point is that I think Tom Cruise has lost his marbles. He's a few sandwiches short of a picnic. Not the sharpest tool in the shed, or crayon in the box, etc. He scares me. I think that if I ran into him in a dark alley I would probably run in the opposite direction. (which is sad because a few years ago HE was the one who would've had to do the running...growl...)

And Katie...um, sorry, KATE Holmes. Good god, woman. Run away. When they first got together I was reminded of when Nicolas Cage married Lisa Marie Presley and I theorized that he did so because he's a big Elvis collector and what better thing to have in your collection then some real live Elvis DNA? Maybe Katie...ugh, I mean, KATE had a Tom Cruise crush like mine and she's marrying him to be able to tell her MySpace friends that "Oh my god, you guys! I totally married Maverick!"

Interesting idea, though. Maybe I should start a collection of childhood crushes of my own. Here's who I'd like to collect:

1. John Schneider
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2. Andrew McCarthy
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3. Richard Dean Anderson
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4. Every single cast member in "School Ties"
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5. Sigh...
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At 2:15 PM, Blogger joe said...

Definitely a cocaine user. All the classic symptoms. Very easy to fall into that trap when you're extremely wealthy and have alot of time on your hands. I saw the Matt Lauer interview. Mr. Cruise was definitely on cocaine.


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