Sexy is in the eye of the beholder...
Things that are sexy:
1. Picnics you don't have to prepare yourself.
2. A fabulous pair of strappy sandals.
3. Someone playing with your hair.
4. Women who kick ass.
5. All together now! GEORGE CLOONEY!
Things that are NOT sexy:
1. Legwarmers...especially not over tights...especially not with shiny silver sandals...especially not with jersey wide-leg capris...especially not with so much pink on the rest of your body that it appears you've been hosed down by Pepto Bismol. Um, hi. Did I step into a time warp and end up in 1982? Is that Jennifer Beals using a public phone near Union Square? No? Okay, then this is DEFINITELY not okay. Not okay on so many levels.

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