"TANG" is not a skin color...
God, those sculptors at Madam Tussauds are amazing, aren't they? It's amazing how life-like they make these wax sculptures. I mean, the hair ALMOST looks real. The skin ALMOST resembles human skin, doesn't it? Just incredible.

Oh wait...is that...? Ooooh. Right. Er, I think Paris has been tanning. Call it a wild guess. A hunch.
As a New Yorker - someone who can go months without a single ray of sunshine touching their skin - I'm all for the occasional visit to the tanning salon. I mean, let's face it, after a wretched 5-month long winter my skin is BEYOND pale - it takes on a frightening baby blue or pale gray sheen. And that just ain't pretty.
So yes, I confess that I hit the tanning bed every now and then. However I do recognize - because I have...what are those things called?...ah yes, EYES - that if my skin should begin to match my morning glass of Tropicana orange juice, it's time to stop. Don't not pass go. Don't not collect your personal eye covers and hairnet on the way out.
Are there any dermatologists reading this blog? If so, can you please tell me how long someone needs to be in a tanning bed to turn carrot colored?
Or maybe she took the safer route - used that self-tan lotion which, by the way, I can't use because I'm inevitably left with smeared, tan handprints on my upper back. (making me look as if I'd been accosted by some sort of melting Oompa Loompa)
My point is, I didn't realize orange is the new...flesh tone. But I mean, if Paris is doing it, it MUST be cool, right? Come on, readers! Let's get on this bandwagon! Orange is the "it" color for summer!
Maybe this will mean the revitalization of Carrot Top's career?
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