Sexy is in the eye of the beholder...
Things that are sexy:
1. Mood music.
2. Candles.
3. A fabulous pair of strappy sandals.
4. Steamy love scenes in movies.
5. My main man GC.
Things that are NOT sexy:
1. Green, high-heeled, rubber galoshes.

I take a train to work and see this woman every day. She's young and pretty and yet she insists on wearing the most heinous shoes produced on this planet. These babies are just one in a vast collection of ugliness which she insists on pairing with...ready for it?...cream colored sheer panty hose. Every day. Oh the humanity.
Furthermore, galoshes are supposed to be sturdy and functional. So where does the high heel come in? It's like those horrible high-heeled sneakers that were in for like 35 seconds in the 90s. (why they were ever "in" to begin with I'll never know, but they were everywhere) Galoshes, like sneakers, are classics, and some classics are just not meant to be messed with.
ok, just kidding, "green goloshes" is now my favorite blog ever. Thank you for spreading the word regarding this heinous crime - cream colored hose - FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND ALL THINGS HOLY!
I do what I can, but I am only one person. I need allies, people who can help spread the word! NO HOSE! NO HOSE! NO HOSE!
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