Sexy is in the eye of the beholder...
Things that are NOT sexy:
1. White panty hose...AND, panty hose of any color with open toe shoes.

For the love of God and all that is holy, WHY IS SHE WEARING THIS COMBINATION? First and foremost, I hate the shoes. My mother was right when she said straps around the ankles accentuate chubby legs. (of course she was talking about me at the time so I chose to ignore her statement altogether)
Second, white panty hose should be banned unless they are part of a costume - like maybe in a high school drama production of Alice in Wonderland if you're playing the White Rabbit or something. Come to think of it, maybe this woman was on her way to an audition?
This kills me. KILLS ME. Panty hose (and white ones most of all) are the bane of my existence. I refuse - REFUSE! - to wear them for two distinct reasons. The first is that I don't particularly enjoy the sensation of having the crotch hanging between my knees. The second is that I am not a grandmother nor a woman of the cloth. I'm not required to wear them at work, and for the record, if I were, I'd quit immediately. Panty hose are a deal breaker. I do appreciate the control-top function but these days you can get those Spanx thingies or, dare I suggest, buy clothes that fit properly so you don't have to squeeze yourself into them like a Polish sausage.
Just a suggestion.
Of course, if you bought properly-fitting pantyhose, you would NOT find them around your knees and they WOULD be comfortable. It's ironic that you talk about getting properly-fitting clothing when you clearly do not know how to master this yourself :).
And for the record, white pantyhose CAN be sexy - in a cute way, sure - if worn with confidence and a nice outfit. I wear white all the time (typically 80 denier tights), and trust me, they get very positive reviews!
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