Sexy is in the eye of the beholder...
Things that are NOT sexy:
1. This woman:

Now, now...I know what you're thinking. "Jesus, Denise. She's PREGNANT! Leave her alone!"
Please, people. Do you really think I'd be that mean? Don't answer that.
This is what I'm referring to:

See what's in her hand? No? I'll give you three hints.
1. It's made of tobacco and other carcinogens.
2. It smells bad.
3. Pregnant women shouldn't use them.
That's right! A cigarette! Isn't that nice? I mean, pregnancy can be so stressful at times. It's nice to kick back and relax with a cigarette at the end of a long day.
That is SO uncool.
I totally agree with you. That woman should be shot. lmao
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