
Why is she so angry?

Have you seen this woman?

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Can SOMEONE please explain to me why Naomi Campbell is so damn angry all the time? She's been arrested AGAIN for assaulting a woman. (read here)

I mean, come on! What is this? Like, the 74th time she's been charged with assault? Really - in 2006 she went to court in NYC for allegedly throwing a phone at a maid. In 2003 she was sued by her former assistant who accused her of throwing a - what else? - a phone at her while in a Beverly Hills hotel. Then in 2000 she pleaded guilty in Toronto to beating her assistant while making a film.

So I ask again, what in the hell is she so freakin' angry about? What? She's TOO gorgeous and can't take the pressure? Or maybe she's just TOO rich and doesn't know what to do with all her money? Or perhaps there are just TOO many men who want to be with her - she doesn't know who to choose?

Eew. I just made myself nauseous.


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