Mom was right...
My mother always told me it was best to leave a little something to the imagination. This was her way of telling me not to dress like a ho bag. My mother always told me that nice girls wear pantyhose to work. Her way of telling me that being a ho bag does not help you climb that corporate ladder. And because I'm significantly traumatized by it, I will also share with you that my mother told me to protect my precious things...her semi-creepy way of telling me not to ACT like a ho bag.
Well, two out of three ain't bad, right?
I kid, I kid! And I digress.
Thing is, I don't think Britney's mom ever shared the same wise advice. For if she had, we would not be treated to this visual display of ho bagness:

I could be wrong but I don't think she's wearing pantyhose. And I can see her precious things.

You know, I'm all for the tramp thing--but there's a time and place, you know? AND, even if she had chosen the RIGHT place (which, if she had, hopefully there WOULDN'T be pictures all over the internet) it's not even a cute trampy thing. Oh, sigh.
Dani, I'm totally with you. I mean, who doesn't like to tramp it up every now and then...but when I ho it up, I ho it up with a wee bit of class. That's how I roll.
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