It's been a while...good to see some things haven't changed.
Dear Brit-Brit -
Me again. Listen, I get it. Really, I do. The last few months have been your way of living out the lyrics of your song "Overprotected."
How cliche.
We are not amused but we'll learn to forgive, if not forget.
Thing is, outfits like this are not helping your situation:

I get it, Britney. I'm a big fan of The Princess Bride, too. But you don't need to wear the boots of the Dread Pirate Roberts (aka Wesley) to make your point. And the "dress" - and I write "dress" in quotes because I can only assume that's what it's supposed to be - is, um...yeah. Do I even need to say? No, you know what you've done.
Also, you are testing my limits by wearing that wretched rhinestone tie again. Seriously, you're killing me.
In the immortal words of Kate Hudson in How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days, I love you, Benky. But I don't have to like you right now.
Til we meet again...wear some pants,
P.S. After I posted this entry I found THIS photo of the "outfit" Britney changed into after puking on her red dress.

You're one classy dame, Britney.
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