Whacko alert...

Some nutjob tried to kill Sandra Bullock's husband, Jesse James as Sandy and James' 10-year old child watched.
According to TMZ:
Cops say that Bullock, along with James' 10-year-old child, looked on in horror as Marcia Valentine "attempted 3 or 4 times to run Jesse James over with her silver Mercedes." Jesse was never struck by the car during the alleged incident.
We're told Valentine also "laid in the driveway and wouldn't move."
Orange County Sheriffs were contacted and responded to the scene, but Valentine allegedly fled before they arrived. After an intense manhunt, officers located Valentine early Monday morning and took her into custody.
Valentine is being held on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon.
Not cool, Valentine! I love my Sandy Bullock and her hubby by extension. And you know what I kind of just realized while looking at that picture? He's kind of DWL. Dirty wrong love. And if that's wrong I don't wanna be right.
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