How I've MISSED you!
Dearest BWOT fans -
I blame "the man" really. He's been keeping me down. Too much work, too much travel, too much drama has been keeping me away from my favorite past time. And I'll be honest, fair readers. I'm going on vacation tomorrow so this is the last you'll hear from least for a week.
So let's do a little catch-up and see what we've missed, shall we?
Oooh, now this is special.

The National Enquirer is reporting that Britney has decided against filing divorce papers. Funny, because at the same time UsWeekly is reporting that Kevin (FEDERLINE!) thinks Britney is unfit and too young to be a mom - he expects to get full custody sometime soon. Ah, I love conflicting stories in the media. But who would have thought K-Fed would look like the "healthier" caregiver?
In other Britney news...

Yup, still a tramp.
Oh, also, Michael Lohan (LiLo's dad) is claiming that Dina (LiLo's mom) did cocaine while pregnant with LiLo. Really? Weird...wonder if it had any affects...

BUT, there is hope for our little LiLo. She's staying at Promises longer than expected. Apparently she's taking rehab "very seriously" and wants to make sure she's ready to come out. Honestly, this Promises place looks like f-ing summer camp. I've seen pictures of her boxing, bike riding, kayaking, hiking. I'd want to stay longer, too! But you know what? Good for her. GOOD FOR YOU, LiLo! You get clean! We're ready and waiting for you!
In some "who cares...well maybe a little" news, John Stamos lost his shit in Australia.

A Sydney newspaper reported John was "bleary-eyed, staggering and slurring," as well as "tired and emotional" after appearing on several TV shows in a "highly disheveled state." One interviewer said, "It was a bit like he'd perhaps come from a hotel minibar."
Apparently Uncle Jesse was likening himself to Elvis and Princess Di, saying: "Who else has died? My career after coming to Australia."
Surprise, surprise. He blamed it on jetlag. Certainly couldn't be la cocaina, no?
Hooray for boy banders! Joey Fatone is getting his own show! Okay, it's not REALLY his own but he will get to host NBC's new karaoke-themed game show. I'm only slightly embarrassed to admit that I TOTALLY want to go on it.

The show is called "The Singing Bee" and debuts July 10th.
Ugh. "The Man" calls again. More later, my friends!