The Battle of Dakota...
I finally saw War of the Worlds and, if I may be so candid, I want to flog Dakota Fanning’s character.

First and foremost, she used to be cute but now she’s just odd looking to me. Maybe she’ll have an Olsen Twins breakthrough and go from odd monkey-child to attractive mini-Cameron Diaz. But for now, she kind of reminds me of one of those Chinese Crested dogs. Know what I’m talking about?

Second, she screams and whines the entire movie. THE ENTIRE MOVIE. It got to the point that I had to hit the mute button because I was 30 seconds away from throwing my Pumas through the television. If I had a child that obnoxious I would sell her to a Mongolian circus troupe in exchange for some of those cool furry hats they wear.
And furthermore, what sadistic costume designer decided it’d be a good idea to dress her like Rainbow Bright?

Creepy. Just plain creepy.
Rainbow Brite, just one of the reasons I loathed the 80's (please no offense to any R.B. fans). I couldn't sit through a movie with a screaming kid from beginning to end. That's why I hated Cujo. All that boy did was scream. Nothing worse than a screaming kid. I wouldn't have seen WOTW anyway because of "you-know-who".
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