Ugly in Pink...
I don't mean to turn this blog into an anti-Paris raving, but my god, could there be a better target?

No. I think not.
The worst part of this outfit (and yes, there is a WORST part, scary as that may be) are the shoes:

What nursing home garage sale did she pick those up at? Sadly, I bet those vile things cost more than everything in my closet combined. Same with the t-shirt...which is ugly and just plain dumb looking. Seriously, the whole outfit looks like she stole it off a kid from a "special school." Like she hijacked the short bus in an attempt to build her street cred. Some ear muffs and a crash helmet would complete the outfit perfectly. (okay, that was mean.)
Are those her pajamas? God I hope so.
God, Go Fug Yourself makes me laugh.
Aside from her clear deficit of neurons, I think Paris has a physical disability as well. Do you remember back in elementary school where the school nurse would check you out for scoliosis?
Well I think Paris must have been out back smoking crack or making porno's that day because... Well... just look at her, in every photo her hips and shoulders are at whacked out angles and there is a clear curvature of her spine. Definately scoliosis
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