Thursday Night: Britney vs. Matt Lauer
Set your TiVo, peeps! Thursday night on Dateline catch Matt Lauer’s interview with Britney Spears. (oh god, I can’t wait)

In the interview she tells Matt that her marriage is “awesome” and that all the media scrutiny (and not the fact that her husband is a dirty sleazebag) has made her an “emotional wreck.”
I’ll admit. That must be tough. And who knows? Maybe her marriage to K-Fed is really “awesome.” I mean, look, they were photographed the other day for the first time since March and look how happy they look!

Okay, well maybe that’s not the ideal photo to illustrate what an “awesome” marriage they have. Let’s see what else we can dig up. Ah! Here we go:

Hmm…okay, maybe not. How about:

Or maybe:

Or perhaps:

Interesting. Oh but wait. Check out this picture from the Matt Lauer interview:

Doesn’t that look like the face of a happy woman? I only wish that one day I too can find “awesome” love like that. Sigh...a girl can dream, readers. A girl can dream.
Run, Brit. Just run.
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