What in the…
So I was at the gym tonight (stop laughing) and I was sort of watching that show How I Met Your Mother. And it made me think about how much I dislike that Allyson Hannigan chick. You know, the lesbian witch from Buffy? The flute girl from American Pie? Yeah, her:

So I’m all, “Oh, I’m going to blog about how that annoying Allyson Hannigan chick reminds me of a girl I went to elementary school with who used to eat paste and make me play with her imaginary friend Puff-Puff until I called her stupid and then she cried and I got put in time out and my sadistic teacher made me draw a circle on the chalkboard and stand with my nose in it until I started sneezing so hard that I left a wet trail on the green board.”
(My internal monologues are awesome, huh? Hard to believe I’m not taking down 8-balls like they’re Tic-Tacs.)
Anywho, so I was looking for a picture to help illustrate this article and I came across these:

What in the hell? Okay, for the record, these photos do NOT remind me of my paste-eating Puff-Puff loving friend.
But I mean, is it me or is this just an odd and totally unbelievable look for her? Maybe it’s because I’m not a ‘tween girl dabbling in Wicca. Or perhaps it’s because I’m not a college-age boy who’ll pleasure himself to a Lands End catalog if the need arose. (and there’s always a need, right boys?) I just don’t get it.
Part of me thinks it’s sad that she has to turn to nudie pics to up her sex appeal…although if I had her stomach and legs I would be posting nudie pics of myself on this blog every hour on the hour.
So okay, maybe I can understand.
A certain friend of mine from a certain band dated her for quite some time. He reported her to be quite flexible, morally that is.
Isn't that iiiiiiiiiinteresting!
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