The pursuit of happiness...
Far be it from me to stop people from being happy. I mean, sometimes you find love in unexpected places, right? Sometimes two people are drawn together by a force that it stronger than they are...and for those two individuals, come hell or high water, an ocean between them, they cannot and should not be kept apart.
Except these two:

Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy. Seriously. Can you image a more obnoxious couple?
As long as they dont produce any TV comedies, the world is safe.
Why do men insist on wearing long hair after 30? I have no problem with long hair per se, but after 30... come on guys, time to grow up. I shave my hair close cropped and couldn't imagine all that long hair around my neck, especially in the summer.
Let's start a campaign againt 30+ wearing long hair. I mean, unless you're a member of the Rolling Stones, it ain't cool.
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