Sexy is in the eye of the beholder…The Weekend Edition
Things that are NOT sexy:
1. As I’ve said before, rat tails.

2. Aggressively large lower back tattoos.

Listen, I have a lower back tattoo. I got it when I was 17 and I totally wish I could turn back time and not be a complete f-ing idiot. BUT, my tattoo is about the size of a quarter and black. Not the same vibe as the red and black billboard this chick has on her back.
3. This whole outfit.

For the record, those are rolled up leggings she’s wearing under her grandmother’s bathing suit.
Last but not least, I’ve said it once. I’ll say it again.
4. Male belly dancers.

And aging male belly dancers most of all.
Rat tails remind me of that string on the neck of a ventriloquist dummy.
Also, that belly dancer definitely appears to be over-paid.
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