
The dumbest thing I've ever heard...

For the love of God and all that is holy. Jay-Z is leading a boycott against Cristal. Cristal, people. He’s boycotting $400+ bottles of champagne, for the love of Christ.
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"It has come to my attention that the managing director of Cristal, Frederic Rouzaud views the 'hip-hop' culture as 'unwelcome attention,"' Jay-Z said in a statement released Wednesday. "I view his comments as racist and will no longer support any of his products through any of my various brands including The 40/40 Club nor in my personal life."

Want to know what Rouzaud said? He was asked by The Economist if he thought the association between Cristal and hip-hop could hurt the business. Rouzaud answered, "That's a good question, but what can we do? We can't forbid people from buying it. I'm sure Dom Perignon or Krug would be delighted to have their business."

That’s it. He didn’t say “we don’t want their business.” He didn’t pull a Kanye and say, “George Bush doesn’t like black people and neither does Cristal.” So, seriously? Do we HAVE to make this an issue? You don’t like, don’t buy it. Simple as that.

You want to get political, Jay? You want to lead a revolution? How about you do it for something worth talking about like the Bush Administration or the Patriot Act or Immigration Laws or that fact that inner-city schools can’t get financing and kids are slipping through the system. Protest the fact that the people of color are dying of AIDS faster than any other group in America, or lead the charge against genocide in Darfur or starving children in Africa or lack of potable water in India.

Don’t waste my time trying to divert the media’s attention from relevant news to your stupid, petty, issues with a luxury product that most of the planet can’t afford because they’re too busy – I don’t know – putting food on the tables and saving for their children’s education and paying rent.

This whole story makes me want to club him in the head with a bottle of Cristal...or, if he prefers, Dom Perignon.


At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a very devout BWOT follower... but frankly, your blatant disregard for that which is holy (in this situation champagne - in other cases Alize) makes me sad. Next you are going to tell me that my new obsession with LV is superficial and vein. Look I feel sorry for starving kids too -- don’t get me wrong... but since when is looking like Nicole Richie "not cool". And the whole "genocide-in-Darfur-thing"... hello... I think Angelina Jolie has that covered... so why don’t you just back off!

At 3:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll take the champagne if Jay doesn't want it...


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