“Household” Celebrities…
Quick! Someone call 911! Celine Dion is being strangled by a rogue length of toilet paper!

False alarm. I guess she’s just trying to appear all dreamy and ethereal and stuff. Although I’m somewhat distracted by the fact that, tied the right way, that long scarf could double as a straight jacket.
This picture led me to think about a recent trend I’ve noticed in Hollywood couture. Namely, stars dressing like their favorite household product. For Celine, she clearly loved her Charmin.
As for Jennifer Lopez and Maggie Gyllenhall, they seem to be big fans of Hefty garbage bags:

Chloe Sevigny took things one step further by mixing the black and white Hefty bags into one magnificent creation:

Kate Hudson on the other hand, just can’t enough of paper towels. I must say, I’m just happy that Kate isn’t dressed like a homeless hippie.

And then there’s Kate Bosworth and Eva Longoria who HEART their sponges and Brillo pads:

Ah…but I’d be remiss if I didn’t comment on Ms. Hilton who has fashioned her ensemble in the likeness of one of those rubber sink stoppers. Well played, Paris. Well played.

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