Well lookie here! Luke Perry went and got himself a TV show!
You know, for some odd reason, it makes me happy to see the 90210 people succeed. Well, except for Tori Spelling who continues to torment me with outfits like this one that makes me want to strangle her with that stupid drawstring belt:

Anywho, Luke’s got his new show. Jennie Garth went on to have a couple of cutie-pie kids and then had that show on the WB where she played a witty and charming big sister to Amanda Bynes, who I also think is adorable.

Shannen Dougherty had mild success as Pru on Charmed before her bitchiness resulted in Alyssa Milano and whatsherface having her killed off the show. But ever the resilient bitch, she continues to pop up in unexpected places, like Lifetime movies.

Jason Priestly is doing a crapload of stuff. Producing, acting, getting oddly flat haircuts and growing weird patches of facial hair. He had that show Love Monkey that lasted about four days and he’s done some TV guest appearances, including playing himself on The Family Guy. When someone turns you into a cartoon that means you’re officially cool in my book.

Brian Austin Greene was on Freddie, the show starring Freddie Prinze, Jr. who I used to think was cute but now I think looks kind of beady and weasely. He’s been on CSI, on George Lopez, on Las Vegas. He’s moving and shaking. You GO David.

And now a moment of silence for our lost 90210-ers.
Ian Ziering, who according to IMDB is currently doing voiceover for something called “Biker Mice from Mars” which will, no doubt, be a winner.

Gabrielle Carteris who’s…well, old (but looks fabulous!) and was apparently in one episode of some show called Drake & Josh and one episode of Nip/Tuck.

For making us think teen sex was cool, for teaching us that you’re only as cool as your car, for making us girls understand the hotness of a “bad boy” - cast of 90210, we salute you.

I don't miss them, but that's just my opinion. I had outgrown them even before they came 'on the scene'.
...although that Jason and Gabrielle (or is it Gabriele, or gabriel) is so darn cute, even still!!
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